Sharpening and repair service from Europe

For a grinding service from Europe, please
contact us at info@mizutani.deand we
will be happy to forward you to our
authorized grinding service centers

The left picture shows a pair of scissors that has received the original Mizutani scissor cut 3 times – the blade is still perfectly intact.
Grinding services from unauthorized services stations (right pictures) are easy to recognize and will ruin your tools irreparably!

The foreign sharpening

We kindly ask for your attention regarding a SHARPENING SERVICE on your Mizutani scissors! Every pair of Mizutani scissors that we receive with an order for a SHARPENING SERVICE is checked before the SHARPENING SERVICE. Scissors that have been sharpened  by a third party will either not be processed or will be processed at our discretion without any guarantee.

The foreign products

We generally do not sharpen third-party products. For this we do not have the necessary expertise and adequate spare parts available! We concentrate 100% on the sharpening service of Mizutani scissors. Everything is matched to this brand of scissors, so that we are able to provide a very satisfactory sharpening service for you.

Sharpening service from abroad

Please contact us:

Phone: +49 7221 3987000

Certification of Authorization which authorizes Mizutani Europe as the representative of sharpening service in Europe | Mizutani Scissors
Certification of Authorization