The optimization of the design and the search for new technologies to improve the high quality scissors are a matter of heart at Mizutani. This is how Hirokazu Mizutani succeeded in applying a groundbreaking nano-technology, which has revolutionized the scissors market.

“When we received a pair of scissors without designation from Mizutani in 2011 to test them ‘incognito’ on the German market, we gave them the name Erlkönig internally”, this is how Edina and Michael Peterli of Mizutani Europe explain the start of this incredible project together with Mizutani Japan. Many scissors models from Japan is specially produced for the European market due to the different cutting techniques.
Therefore a test series in German salons was essential. Over a period of several months, 10 to 15 haircuts per day should be made before the stress on the scissors was investigated. “Recently, the testers sent me their scissors for evaluation. Despite the high expectations, the result surprised us: all scissors had not lost any of their original sharpness despite the hard continuous use. The hairdressers had taken particular care to ensure that no notches were made – irreparable damage caused by inappropriate handling”.
Responsible for this fantastic result is a “Nano-Powder-Metal” steel, which is melted and compressed from smallest particles of 0.000000001 m in size (this corresponds to a two thousandth of the hair width). This results in this indescribable material property.
In addition, these test scissors showed a steeper angle of the cutting edge for extreme sharpness and a significantly improved cutting image. Tested and confirmed by Dr. Kentaro Asakura Engineering of Tokyo University. Hirokazu Mizutani Mizutani could not have given hairdressers a greater gift. domo arigato!
Vickers hardness grade
Smoothness of the cutting blade
Cross-section of a hair
Vickers Hardness – A suitable heat treatment will produce greater Vickers hardness. Harder blades means less abrasion.
Smoothness of the cutting blade – Unevenness of the ACRO Z blade is less than 0.0001 mm. These blades have almost no notches/scratches. This means less hair damage.
Cross-section of a hair – Almost circular cross-section and smooth edge of the hair after cutting. This means no bruising of the hair.
Härtegrad nach Vickers
Härtegrad nach Vickers – Durch eine geeignete Wärmebehandlung wird größere Vickers Härte erreicht. Härtere Klingen, weniger Verschleiß.
Glätte des Schneideblattes
Glätte des Schneideblattes – Unebenheiten der ACRO Z Klinge liegen unter 0,0001 mm. Diese KlinÂgen haben fast keine Kerben/ÂKratzer. Weniger Haarschäden.
Querschnitt eines Haares
Querschnitt eines Haares – Fast kreisförmiger Querschnitt und glatte Schnittkante des Haares nach Schnitt. Keine Quetschung des Haares.